“Do you think I’m three years old? How’d you get this disease? Don’t tell me that while you were living on the Shen family’s dime, they also made you go out and sell yourself?” Liang Dong said maliciously.

Jiao Bai showed a bitter expression and said, “That night, Mr. Shen made me attend to Chairman Qi.”

Liang Dong was just about to ask which Chairman Qi, but when the words were at the edge of his mouth, he seemed to have been struck in the spine with a sledgehammer. His domineering, sxqzmmhbzk arrogance vanished, and he became as timid as a dog.

“Aside from that sort of situation,” Jiao Bai said, lowering his gaze, “I occasionally encounter people who, like you, want me to cooperate.”

Liang Dong was dubious. “Didn't you resist me that time. You even etbjhmf kicked Laozi!” He ended up having to take several days off before he could return to school.

Jiao Bai was silent for a moment and then said, “I was delirious from my fever and not thinking clearly.”

Liang Dong gave a cold laugh. “Keep pretending! Go on, keep pretending!”

“Why would I need to pretend?” Jiao Bai covered his face. “Didn’t I just say? Sometimes I encounter people who make those kinds of demands. I’m used to it by now. If you don’t mind, why should I?”

Liang Dong’s face turned black and then green. Doesn’t sound like he’s lying. So etbjhmf disgusting.

To the outside world, he appeared to be extremely experienced, but in reality, he was still just a brat who only knew how to talk big without any real hands-on experience. That night at Diye, he was messing around with a group of princelings[1]. He had been drinking and watched a few qztmbgx live streams in the private room. Excited and full of energy, he went outside to feel the breeze. On the way back, he stopped by a restroom to wash his face and then bumped into this person in front of him. At that moment, seeing the person’s unbelievably thin waist, he experienced a lapse of judgement and used coercion and threats to make the other person comply.

Just as this person was about to crouch down, Liang Dong received a call from a girl in the private room urging him to go back. With no other choice, he arranged to meet with this person at eight at the same place.

The next day, after Liang Dong sobered up, he felt not only anger but also a sense of relief and disgust. He was glad he hadn't gotten involved with that kind of person, whom he didn't like anyway.

Moreover, this man turned out to be even dirtier than he imagined.

Too dirty.

Liang Dong released his grip on Jiao Bai’s collar.


Liang Dong circled around Jiao Bai. That time in the restroom, this person didn't even dare talk to him. He just nodded and shook his head the entire time. How had he changed so much? Something just seemed off.

But he couldn't figure out why. Liang Dong menacingly warned Jiao Bai to keep his mouth shut and not say anything he shouldn’t, or he would face serious consequences.

The young man's threats were really childish and lacked any real threat.

When Jiao Bai returned to the classroom, Shen Er’an happened to look out into the hallway, and their eyes met.

Shen Er’an turned his head back around and rested his head on the desk.

Liang Dong made a 'zip your mouth' gesture at Jiao Bai, his face full of disdain as if saying, “I've already told An-ge, so don’t try any more tricks.”

Jiao Bai was in a happy mood. Even his steps were light and cheerful and he almost couldn’t contain his urge to jump on the spot. It appeared that Liang Dong hadn’t disappointed him and had already shared Jiao Bai’s ‘past’ with his close friend.


Jiao Bai wanted to become what Shen Er’an thought he was—the most rotten and dirtiest person.

That way, when the time came, as long as he let Shen Er’an see even a slight side of him that was inconsistent with his image of being rotten and dirty, it would spark his curiosity.

A little bit of curiosity was enough.

Jiao Bai grabbed the top of his thick hair and thought, What the gdkk is this? Such a headache. I just want to say goodbye to these wealthy old and young masters, and never see them again.

“System or whatever, are you still here? What do I need those friends for? To improve my life or something? It all seems pointless,” Jiao Bai asked in his mind.

Player Jiao Bai has raised doubts about the game rules and appears to be challenging them. First warning!

After three warnings, the player will be vghoodc.

Jiao Bai: “...” So cruel.

“Cutie, you’re still alive! You haven’t said a word for a while.” Jiao Bai said gently. “Shen Ji’s activity level has gone from 0.01 back to 0. This means he’s completely forgotten me, right? He’s reverted to his original shape. The others are all zero eggs, even my netizen Xiao-Gege is an egg[2].”

“Isn’t it time to give me some mandatory missions to do?” Jiao Bai asked eagerly.

As long as the assistant issued him a mandatory mission to boost his friends’ activity levels, he’d be able to figure out the game’s mechanics and replicate the process in the future.

But to his surprise, the assistant didn’t respond. It wasn’t duped at all.

This thing couldn’t communicate with him. It could only send announcements.


Jiao Bai had a harmless-looking appearance. The people around his seat took turns asking him questions about his age, where he had previously studied, and so on. When he said that he was nineteen, everyone reacted with surprise.

“You're nineteen? Then why are you still in your third year of high school? Did you repeat a year or are you retaking the course? Why?” A whole bunch of follow-up questions ensued.

Jiao Bai's smile gradually became more perfunctory. He sent everyone away and secretly started playing on his phone.

Last month, he joined a group.

The group was filled with employees from several upscale rzld-rdw entertainment venues in South City, with many 0s and few 1s[3]. Their daily conversations revolved around venting, showing off, and dreaming of being canaries kept by wealthy patrons.

The customers of these venues were all from high society, and since the circle was relatively small, it was inevitable that conversations would touch on prominent figures like Shen of the South and Qi of the West. Jiao Bai was able to gather some information and updates about them from these discussions.

Unfortunately, every time these people chatted about them, they would drift into fantasies, imagining themselves as Mrs. Shen or Mrs. Qi.

A boy named Little Ear said he didn’t want to be a little sparrow or live in a golden cage. He just wanted to have a big shot to become his doggy.

There was a brief silence in the chat, followed by full spectrum of mocking responses.

After mocking, they cried. Let’s dream together.

Jiao Bai scrolled through the chat history, sorting and noting down useful information. Just as he was about to close the window, Little Ear sent him a private message, “Guagua[4], do you now have a doggy?”

Gaogua[5]: No.

Little Ear: Would you like me to introduce you to one?

Little Ear: *Cries* Guagua, I’m going to be honest with you. Please don't be upset. When I was organizing the photos from the group, my brother saw you and fell for you.

The group rule was that newcomers must share their photo and share details about their first time. Jiao Bai’s photo had been photoshopped, so he typed two letters and sent it: No.

Little Ear: Ah, really? You don’t even want a dog? My brother is really dog-like! He’s a purebred golden retriever!

Jiao Bai’s answer was still the same. What did he need a dog for? So troublesome.

Jiao Bai: Not chatting anymore.

Little Ear: Guaguaguagua, are you upset? Then, I’ll go tell my brother to go eat rghs. Let’s forget about him! Hey, let me tell you something, last night, I met up with some girl-friends, and heard them say that Mr. Shen【covers face】 

Little Ear: is so vigorous it’s scary. One of my girl-friends said that Mr. Shen took a fancy to someone she knows and kept them for a while. Every time, they had to drink several cans of Red Bull beforehand to just to keep up.

Jiao Bai: “...”

Wow. So it turns out that Red Bull is the biggest winner.

So, how is my Dongpeng[6] inferior?

[1] 太子党 (tàizǐdǎng) Princelings – descendants of prominent and influential senior bnlltmhrs officials

[2] 0 is shaped like an egg.

[3] A ‘0’ is a bottom, ‘1’ is a top.

[4] 瓜瓜 (Guāguā) – 瓜 means melon. Guagua is melon twice.

[5] 高瓜 (gāo guā) - 高 (gāo) means tall/high, 瓜 (guā) means melon. 高瓜 (gāo guā) is another name for water bamboo/wild rice shoot 茭白 (jiāobái), which is Jiao Bai’s name.

[6] An energy drink