The position of Shen Ji’s rbqteex khsskd ltss and luck storage jar was up for grabs for whoever wanted it. Jiao Bai wouldn’t go back even if he was given one hundred million.

Jiao Bai had left the dog pen, but couldn’t leave South City, because most of the friends on his list were here, all within the same circle. He could only change his standpoint and take a different path to move forward.

There were two students in his friends’ list: this comic’s self-suffering cheap shou Li Jue and rbtlazf gong Shen Er’an.

Li Jue was in the countryside and currently out of reach, while Shen Eran was at South City Third High School.

At this time, his wings weren’t black. He was still a young man in a blue and white school uniform. His thoughts and shrewdness were only slightly more developed than his peers. He was far less unreasonable and much easier to handle than those old men.

So Jiao Bai enrolled into this school.

Jiao Bai sat down in the empty seat in front of Shen Er’an.

This was originally Qi Shuang’s seat.

Jiao Bai withdrew from the choose-one-of-two dog-blood game, so Qi Shuang was now the future Mrs. Shen, and would register his marriage with Shen Ji at the end of the year. Madam Shen thought it through carefully and felt that with Qi Shuang’s current status, it wasn’t appropriate for him to be in the same class or even in the same school as her grandson. Consequently, Qi Shuang transferred to another school.

Everything was interconnected. Adjusting one screw would cause all the other parts to shift as well.

Jiao Bai waved at the girl sitting at the desk next to him and said, “Hello.”

His female desk-mate couldn’t help but ask, “Do you really need to wear a mask and cover up so much even in class?” Belatedly realising her words were a bit rude, she awkwardly fidgeted with the corner of her test paper.

“It depends on the weather.” Jiao Bai took off the mask at his chin and smiled casually. “I don’t need it now.”

The female desk-mate looked at him and said enviously, “Wow, you’re so fair. None of the girls in our class are as fair as you.”

“This is an unhealthy kind of white. I rarely get any sun.” Jiao Bai was very kind and friendly because this girl was a close friend of Shen Er’an’s crush.

Yes, before Shen Eran was pestered by Li Jue, he had already experienced the stirrings of first love. In his world, he had created a secret garden for a girl, filled with the blossoms of his secret love.

The girl was in the liberal arts class next door. Like Shen Er'an, she was also a high school senior and had the lowest grades in her class.

They were the classic love pairing of a wealthy top student and an impoverished mediocre student, with secret mutual pining.

If this was a gdsdqnrdwtzk romance novel, this would be the classic redemption story, where the story moved from school uniforms to pyjamas, evolving from a simple “Hello” to “I love you.”

But this was a rotten comic[1].

Jiao Bai's chair was kicked, causing his upper body to lurch forward. He didn't turn around.

He couldn’t look back now. The scum gong’s lackey’s fists were definitely ready.

Liang Dong’s hand was indeed clenched into a fist. He leaned close to Shen Eran and whispered, “Don’t worry, An-ge. After class, I’ll give this guy a warning. If he dares to run his mouth at school, I’ll make sure he regrets coming to Third High.”

Shen Er’an didn’t respond to Liang Dong. He once again focused on folding his paper dragonfly, his expression calm and serene.

Liang Dong was extremely frustrated. How could someone as good as An-ge end up in such a repulsive situation?

Fortunately, An-ge rarely participated in family activities, and the media didn’t dare to offend the Shen family and secretly photograph him. Most people at school were unaware of his identity and background. They also had no idea that his classmate, who sat in front of him and recently transferred to another school, was going to become his stepmother.

And that this new classmate was one of his potential stepmothers over a month ago.

One left, and another arrived.

Liang Dong didn’t dare to scold that prominent figure of the Shen family so he decided to bully that knvkx oqnrshstsd cnf okzxsghmf.

Jiao Bai’s chair was kicked again, but he calmly adjusted his books. With the university entrance exams coming up next year, he hoped he could realize his dream of attending university.


After class, Liang Dong cornered Jiao Bai in the restroom.

Liang Dong had his two lackeys stand guard outside. He kicked the door shut and ran a hand over the crew cut he had given himself. The buzzed sides made him look unbridled and arrogant.

“Why the name change?” he asked, as if catching up with an old friend.

“I'll odd first and talk about it later.” Jiao Bai walked towards the urinal.

Liang Dong was dumbfounded.

Jiao Bai said he was going to odd and he really did go odd. He wasn’t flustered at all. In Jiao Bai’s original world, Wang Chuqiu’s appearance would have been considered at the level where he would have no shortage of admirers. However, in this manga, which could be described as a feast for beauty enthusiasts, it wasn’t enough. Therefore, even though he was no longer in the Shen family’s pen, there wasn’t going to be a bunch of people wanting to hloqhrnm him, uhnkzsd him or impose forced love on him[2] in zctks-qzsdc scenes[3]. There won’t be. Truly, there won’t be.

As for who had a beef with him, besides Qi Shuang, who he could barely keep in check, it would be the person next to him who was glaring at him.

And once he dealt with him, there’d be no one else.

Jiao Bai came to Third High for Shen Er’an. He had thoroughly done his homework and intended to strike when the iron was hot and place Shen Er’an in one of the four groups in one go.

This meant that his activity level with Shen Er’an needed to be high enough and they needed to interact more.

However, Liang Dong was Shen Er’an’s best friend. To ensure their peaceful co-existence moving forward, Jiao Bai had to resolve his grudge.

“I changed my name to bid farewell to the past.” Jiao Bai adjusted his pants. “As for why it’s Jiao Bai…”

Liang Dong's heartbeat unconsciously quickened at his pause.

Why? What could be the reason? I can’t figure it out. Liang Dong foolishly started wondering and then heard him say, “Because I like eating water bamboo[4].”

“Especially stir-fried bamboo shoots with shredded pork, it’s simple, easy to make, and fresh…” Jiao Bai’s voice stopped when his collar was grabbed. Liang Dong, puffing air at his face like a provoked little buffalo, said, “Shouldn’t we finish what we didn't finish in Diye?”

Jiao Bai pretended to think it over. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Don’t pretend to be…” Liang Dong suddenly fell silent. He stared warily at the person who suddenly leaned close to him and his leg muscles tensed up. “Laozi[5] said that I’d take care of you that time and I still mean it…”

Jiao Bai interrupted him, “I have a disease.”

[1] BL comic

[2] 强制爱 (qiángzhì ài) – forced love – using forceful methods to obtain someone’s love – examples of this include imprisonment, signing contracts etc. with the aim of binding someone to them and forcing them into a romantic relationship or marriage.

[3] He isn’t good-looking enough for people to want to do that stuff to him like in certain manga/manhwa/novels where everyone wants to get their hands on the main character.

[4] 茭白 - Jiao Bai means Manchurian wild rice/water bamboo/wild rice shoots

[5] 老子 (lǎo zǐ) – Laozi means ‘I’ or ‘me’ and is an arrogant way to say refer to yourself.

Please note that in this sentence “老子那次说养你,这话还算……” (Laozi said that I’d take care of you that time and I still mean it…) He actually only says I (Laozi) once but to make the sentence work in English, I needed to add two more ‘I’s.