Living in this high-rise villa apartment was comfortable, but was also really boring. Now that he had a companion, he couldn’t resist coming over to visit.

Maybe the other person could even give him some inspiration.

Jiang Yan lifted the hem of his skirt and curtsied to Jiao Bai. “Good morning.”

Jiao Bai pressed the remote control and remained silent.

Jiang Yan plopped down onto the small round sofa, sitting in very bold and uninhibited manner. “You don’t have your phone with you, right? I can lend you mine.”

Jiao Bai’s eyes didn’t even move. What did he need a phone for? It wasn’t like Shen Er'an didn’t know who had taken him.

As for Zhang Zhen, that online friend Xiao-gege... He’d set him aside for now. He was no use to him at the moment.

He would deal with it when it was time to go attack that West City map.

Qi Shuang, that little idiot, could still be used, but since the matter involved that old monster Shen Ji, Jiao Bai couldn’t take a roundabout approach by doing stuff such as using the Master’s astrological chart like last time. He had to face him head-on. The risks were too great, so after weighing the pros and cons, Jiao Bai decided to not use Qi Shuang.

—Unless the situation had reached a point where he had no other choice.

So far, Little Young Master Qi was Jiao Bai’s most useful weapon.

“You don’t need to check in with anyone?” Jiang Yan rested his head on his hand, his soft, smooth, long hair cascading over his arm, creating a comfortable curve.

Jiao Bai put down the remote, and watched the concubines on TV catfighting over the old emperor while he recalled the original story.

At this time, Jiang Yan hadn’t fallen in love with Shen Ji. He only thought of him as his sponsor and was well aware that his sponsor also had rtfzq azahdr in other places.

For him, it didn’t matter whether there was one more or one less. There was no such thing as vying for attention or any scheming involved. He just wanted to sit back, eat snacks, and enjoy the show.

In the later stages of the story, Jiang Yan’s face was slapped[1], doomed by the law of truth[2].

“I don’t have anything fun here to entertain you,” Jiao Bai said listlessly.

“Darling, I didn’t come here to have fun. I’m here to chat with you. Oh, you don’t have much energy. Then let me share something entertaining,” Jiang Yan pretended to think. “Let me think… I’ll talk about my previous boss. He’s also someone we both know.”

Jiao Bai shot him a sideways glance and said, “Thanks, but I’m not interested in hearing about your work experience so I’ll have to pass.”

“Don’t be like this. I like you so much. Please give me a chance to share it with you,” Jiang Yan said earnestly, his cat-like eyes narrowing into slits. “Mr. Qi… Among all the people of that level that I’ve come in contact with, he’s the most cultured and elegant. He’s truly captivating.”

When saying this, Jiao Bai’s expression contained pure admiration. Rather than describing his former sponsor, it felt more like he was discussing an elder who commanded his respect in every way[3].

Jiao Bai was indifferent.

“I made a mistake once. Guess what happened?” Jiang Yan winked playfully.

Jiao Bai replied blankly, “You were spanked in the butt.”

It was unclear which of Jiang Yan’s funny bones had been tickled by those words, but he burst into laughter, laughing so hard his body rocked back and forth, his long hair swept about everywhere, and the bottom of his skirt opened up very wide because of his movements.

Hence, Jiao Bai saw Jiang Yan’s little strawberries.

Little Hot Pepper was actually wearing strawberry-patterned underpants[4].

“Nope. Mr. Qi punished me by making me copy a whole volume of the Diamond Sutra.” The corners of Jiang Yan’s eyes were flushed because of his laughing just before.

Jiao Bai: ?

So, the reason why Broken Wings didn’t clearly describe Qi Yilao’s character and provide him a subplot to develop his character, was because he shared the same character type as Madam Shen?

Both of them were vegetarians, Buddhists, and ruthless people?

Jiao Bai pictured the scene of Qi Yilao sitting in meditation position on a prayer mat with the old lady, taking turns chanting Amitabha one after the other, and immediately got goosebumps.

“My handwriting is all thanks to his teaching,” Jiang Yan said faintly, “He’s a great teacher.”

Jiao Bai automatically interpreted it as a teacher-student role-playing.

Rather than Chairman Qi, who he couldn’t see or hear, Jiao Bai’s focus was on Little Hot Pepper in front of him. His voice was like the sound of a tape player drifting out from a house in an old alley in the afternoon, flowing with the flavour of life’s trials and tribulations, as if it had been gently caressed and then harshly twisted by the hands of time.

—It made those who heard it want to touch those dust-covered memories buried deep within, hold them close and reminisce about the past.

“Your voice has a strong sense of story,” Jiao Bai complimented sincerely.

“Many people say that.” Jiang Yan crossed his legs, proud and arrogant. “It’s a gift from God.”

“What do you do?” Jiao Bai asked.

Jiang Yan twirled a strand of hair around his finger and replied, “I play music.”

Jiao Bai raised his drooping eyelids. Music? The most flirtatious little bottom in Broken Wings was a musician? Could it be any more shocking?

“Surprised?” Jiang Yan leaned forward to look at Jiao Bai, then moved closer, resting his upper body on the side of the bed to examine him up close, murmuring to himself, “That look in your eyes...”

Jiang Yan hugged Jiao Bai excitement. “I’m feeling it now. Hahaha, I have an idea now!”

Jiao Bai frowned when he felt something wet on his ear. “Why did you kiss me?”

“Oops, I couldn’t help myself. I only kiss two kinds of people, those who give me money and those I like. You’re really interesting.” Jiang Yan traced the blue veins on Jiao Bai’s face. He let out a very skilful sultry breath, his eyes full of love.  “Darling, if you can be a 1, I’ll welcome you anytime. Not only will I not charge you, but I’ll even give you money to buy delicious food.”

Jiao Bai couldn’t stand this sort of flirting. He couldn’t accept intimacy without any emotional foundation. “Can you take your hand away?”

“Did I disgust you? I’m sorry,” Jiang Yan looked really apologetic, but before pulling away, he pinched Jiao Bai’s cheek. Then he waved his hand and walked away with a swagger that was typical of a playboy.

As Jiang Yan’s “See you later” rang out with the sound of the closing door, Jiao Bai wiped the saliva from his ear. In the few months since he had entered this comic, it was the first time he been taken advantage of[5]—and it was also by the lover of old dog Shen.

This was very Broken Wings.

Jiao Bai suddenly thought of something and looked around. Qi Yilao installed a bunch of surveillance cameras in his room at Diye. His old friend could very well share that kind of same orxbgnozsghb behaviour.

Jiao Bai didn’t find any surveillance cameras. He wiped his ear again. He wasn’t the one who came on to Jiang Yan. Even if there were cameras installed here, old dog Shen couldn’t blame him for it.

[1] 打脸 (dǎ liǎn) – ‘slap in the face’ – describes situations where someone’s actions or reality contradicts their previous statements (so they end up humiliating themselves) – similar to “eating one’s words/put an egg on one’s face.’

Here, the ‘slap in the face’ is Jiang Yan falling in love with Shen Ji and getting involved in the scheming and drama even though he had initially planned to only watch the show from the sidelines.

[2] 真相定律 (zhēnxiàng dìnglǜ) literally “The Law of Truth” and is used here as a pun of the popular internet phrase 真香定律 (zhēnxiāng dìnglǜ) which literally translates to “The Law of True Fragrance.”

真香 (zhēn xiāng) means ‘awesome’ or ‘It’s actually great’ [made of the words ‘real/true’ and ‘fragrant’] – This phrase is used humorously when someone goes back on their word or changes their mind about something they initially rejected or criticised. 定律 (ding lǜ) means law.

‘The Law of True Fragrance’ describes the phenomenon where someone initially rejects or criticizes something, only to later change their mind and end up liking it, sometimes quite enthusiastically OR someone makes a firm resolution to not do something, but they ultimately end up doing it.

[3] 敬而远之  (jìng ér yuǎn zhī) – means ‘to show respect from a distance’ – I couldn’t work out how to fit the respect ‘from a distance’ part in the sentence so I left it out.

[4] Strawberry can also mean ‘ghbjdx.’ It’s not clear whether it does mean hickey in the previous sentence.

[5] Taken advantage of vhsg z rdwtzk bnmmnszshnm