A few years ago, Shen Ji fell seriously ill, with his life hanging by a thread. Experts both domestic and international were at a loss. Madam Shen went to a temple to pray for him and received guidance from a master. She used the family resources to find two people with astrological charts[1] that were linked Shen Ji’s place of birth and upbringing and would bring him prosperity. The two people were Wang Chuqiu and Qi Shuang. They stayed at the hospital ward, eating and sleeping together for half a month, and Shen Ji miraculously survived.

The old lady firmly believed in the significance of the astrological charts. She arranged for the two to live at Qinxin Estate[2] in Hudong[3], thinking that once Shen Ji’s health improved, he would choose one of them to marry into the Shen family.

This was something Madam Shen couldn’t help. If the Master hadn’t said so, she would have treated them as two little things that Shen Ji kept[4]. Neither of them, not even the Qi family’s youngest, were qualified to enter the Shen family.

However, two years had passed, and the position of Mrs. Shen was still vacant. Shen Ji didn’t believe in the astrological charts at all. He changed the people he kept[5] outside very frequently, but never touched the two in Qinxin Estate. It seemed that for him, if he so much as touched one of them, it would link him to the charts and he would enter the vicious circle of “I can't control my fate.”

He wanted to secure wealth and glory, and a lifetime of peace and health, yet he had to rely on someone else’s fate to achieve it. It was simply laughable.

Without Shen Ji choosing a consort[6], Wang Chuqiu and Qi Shuang continued to live in Qinxin Estate, and lived together in harmony.

Until the balance was disrupted when Shen Ji took Wang Chuqiu out to meet his friends...

After reflecting on the plot, Jiao Bai thought about Wang Chuqiu’s adoptive parents. They received a sum of money from the Shen family and let the Shen family take Wang Chuqiu away. They told the outside world that Wang Chuqiu couldn't continue his studies and insisted on going to another city to work. They told Wang Chuqiu that he was lucky and encountered a benefactor who hoped he would receive a better education in a big city.

In reality, they wanted to use the money received from selling him to send their precious daughter abroad.

Jiao Bai really loved this comic’s large chaotic mix of dramatic elements and tropes[7]. Even a minor plot device character who died early had such a dog-blood backstory. He sighed, adjusted his expression and walked out of the corner. He passed through a dazzling brand-name clothing area[8] and made his way to the old lady.

“Xiao Qiu, why didn’t you stay with A-ji[9]? There are a lot of people today so don’t wander off.” Madam Shen took Jiao Bai's hand, placed it in Shen Ji's palm, and patted it.

It was like a scene in a wedding.

Jiao Bai withdrew his hand and wiped it on the back of his clothes.

Shen Ji bent down to tidy Madam Shen’s stray hairs at her ear, and from his angle, he happened to catch sight of Jiao Bai's action.

Madam Shen’s hair, which she cherished very much, was suddenly yanked by her youngest son. It nearly triggered her heart condition. “A-ji?”

“It's nothing,” Shen Ji let go and smoothed Madam Shen’s silver-white hair.

Jiao Bai glanced at the few strands of the Madam Shen’s hair and wondered why they hadn’t been completely pulled out. Had Shen Ji not eaten? His strength was so weak. Suddenly, he noticed Qi Yilao, who was standing in a crowd of wealthy people, looking over in his direction, and the nasty amusement in his eyes vanished in an instant.

Jiao Bai nonchalantly turned his face and met Qi Zizhi's gaze.

Why are you all looking at me? Vzbjnr.

Jiao Bai checked his account and looked at his friends list. Qi Zizhi was listed below Shen Ji, and his profile picture was blank. It had nothing on it which made it look really out of place.

The three friends who were online now, Qi Yilao, Shen Ji and Qi Zizhi, all had activity levels of 0. Get lost, all of you.

Under the weight of numerous disdainful and contemptuous glances, Jiao Bai wished Madam Shen happy birthday. Afterwards, he took the opportunity to slip away to the restroom and then snuck into the back garden through a corridor next to the restroom. He had just found a spot that was out of the sunlight but could still allow him to enjoy a natural breeze when Qi Shuang’s call came through.

After the call connected, Qi Shuang didn’t speak immediately. The sound of his breathing was deliberately muted and somewhat tense. His contact had informed him that the address was a private residence, where a mother and her child lived.

They were the Master’s wife and child.

In the hospital room, Qi Shuang’s face was pale. The Qi family’s connections couldn’t uncover that information, so how did this country bumpkin know? It was incredibly eerie.

“That mother and child are now being monitored by my people. Is this what meant? Is this what you wanted me to do?” Qi Shuang said softly, “Chuqiu, I misjudged you. I thought you were the type to bow and apologize even if you stepped on an ant.”

Jiao Bai bent his legs contentedly, “Likewise.”

The original Wang Chuqiu also thought Qi Shuang was a cute younger brother who didn’t have the airs of a young master.

While reading the comic, Jiao Bai initially thought the Master was just a charlatan. However, as he continued reading, he realised that the author managed to reconcile the plot logically. Wang Chuqiu died, and in the same winter, Qi Shuang married into the Shen family. It could be seen as fulfilling the astrological charts after all. Qi Shuang brought prosperity to the head of the Shen family, just not to Shen Ji.

Shen Ji's wedding day was on the eve of the Lunar New Year.

There were still a few months.

Jiao Bai confirmed the next steps with Qi Shuang and said with a laugh, “Young Master, I wish you instant success.”

Hearing his laugh, Qi Shuang trembled spinelessly. He really should have qtm him over.

Now they could no longer be friends, but they must never become enemies.

Jiao Bai guessed that Qi Shuang would no longer dare to play tricks in front of him. However, he didn't feel the path ahead was clear and bright. After all, he couldn't take revenge on the old azrszqc Shen Ji for the time being.

Ah, it was hard for a nobody to turn their fortunes around[10]. Someone as stupid as Qi Shuang, who thought he was smart and was also a rich kid that could be exploited, was a rare breed. Encountering a person like that was a blessing and they should be cherished.

During the meal, Jiao Bai was seated on the left of Madam Shen. This was the seat of the future daughter-in-law. With Qi Shuang absent, he was alone and became the target of many hostile gazes.

“Xiao Qiu, I heard that child, Shuangshuang was hospitalized because of an allergic reaction?” asked Madam Shen.

Jiao Bai looked at a pile of vegetarian dishes and responded dispiritedly, “Mm[11].”

There were only two outsiders at the table, one was Qi Yilao and the other was him. Even Qi Zizhi hadn’t been arranged a seat here.

Qi Yilao was directly opposite him, facing him, so he could see him as soon as he looked up.

At this moment, Qi Yilao joined the conversation. He took a spoonful of lotus seed soup and said, “The youngest of the Qi family had an allergic reaction? Why are children nowadays all so sensitive?"

The Shen family members at the table all thought that Chairman Qi’s use of “all” referred to some lover of his, making it inconvenient for them to inquire further.

But if no one responded, it would seem like they ignoring Chairman Qi.

A few seconds later, Madam Shen asked him about it in a conversational manner.

“Xiao Zhang,” Qi Yilao said, pointing to Jiao Bai across from him, in a tone of an elder concerned about a junior, “Xiao Zhang also has an allergic constitution.”

Jiao Bai: “...”

One moment he calls me Xiao Li, the next moment he calls me Xiao Zhang. What? Do I carry The Book of Family Names[12] on my shoulders or something?

[1] 命盘 (mìng pán) – astrological chart or natal chart - a map of your life destiny based on your time of birth. It uses the Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba-Zi/Eight characters) which is a Chinese astrological concept that a person’s destiny or fate can be divined by their time of birth.

[2] 沁林园 (qìn lín yuan) – The author keeps switching between Qinlin Estate and Qinxin Estate – Qinxin Estate has appeared more so far so I’m keeping it as Qinxin Estate. Only one character is different. Instead of 心 (xīn) heart it uses 林 (lín) forest.

[3] 湖东 (hú dōng) – 湖东 (hú) means lake,  东 (dōng) means east

[4] Like keeping a pet

[5] People he kept as lovers, bed partners etc. The word used is 养 which means support/keep/raise which implies rtfzq czccx/ronmrnq relationships.

[6] 选牌子侍寝 (xuǎn páizi shì qǐn) – ‘choose a tile to select the person to serve them in bed.’ In historical China, the emperor would pick the person (consort/concubine) that will serve them for the night by flipping a tile. Whoever’s name is on the other side will serve him that night.

[7] 大锅乱炖 (dà guō luàn dùn) – directly translated as ‘big pot of stew with things randomly thrown into it’ – meaning the comic author has randomly dumped all different kinds of dog-blood stuff into the comic.

[8] Passing through an area where everyone is wearing brand name clothing.

[9] 阿寄(ā jì) – Madam Shen’s nickname for Shen Ji. 阿 (ā) is often used as a prefix in nicknames to convey a sense of endearment or closeness – pronounced ‘ah.’

[10] 小人物的翻身路难 (xiǎo rénwù de fāshēn lù nán) – means it is challenging for ordinary people (people with little power and influence) to improve their circumstances or achieve significant success.

[11] 嗯 (‘m’) "Mm" is a sound of affirmation.

[12] 百家姓 (bǎi jiā xìng) – means "Hundred Family Surnames" and refers to a classic Chinese text that lists 438 common Chinese surnames. The text was compiled during the Song Dynasty and is one of the most well-known collections of Chinese surnames.