When Jiao Bai was about to finish his wontons, he noticed that Shen Er'an was staring at the restaurant entrance in a daze, so he shifted his gaze in that direction.

Oh, it was that girl that Shen Er'an had a secret crush on.

The girl was out shopping with her family, wearing a headband with deer antlers. When she smiled, her eyes curved into small crescents. She was lively, cute and brimming with youth. Her enthusiasm for the future was infectious and inspiring. Her personality perfectly complemented Shen Er’an’s.

Jiao Bai was a spectator watching the drama from the sidelines. He wasn’t going to participate or comment, and certainly wasn’t going to help alter their ending. His mission wasn’t to change the fates of the protagonists or supporting characters, or to turn a boys’ love story into a gdsdqnrdwtzk romance, or to turn the cheap shou and scum gong’s bad ending into a happy one. He only cared about raising activity levels. Everything else was none of his fncczlm business.

Moreover, he was a BE fanatic.

The BE fanatic said to the rbtlazf gong of the original comic, “If you like her, then go pursue her.”

An ideal young couple—a talented man and a beautiful woman—with mutual secret crushes, redemption, growth. I give you my world and in return, you light up its lights, repair its roads and plant trees. This arrangement wasn’t bad. He didn’t mind giving it a try, just this once.

Shen Er'an immediately stood up from the plastic stool. His hands gripped the edge of the table, his fingertips turning white and rigid. His jawline was tight, and his deep dark eyes were fixed on Jiao Bai, as if he was trying his best to control his turbulent emotions.

At this moment, the feeling he gave of was strikingly similar to his father’s, stern, imposing and highly dangerous.

“Don’t get the wrong idea. I wasn’t secretly investigating you,” Jiao Bai said with a smile. “Isn’t there a common saying that if you like someone, even if you don’t say it out loud, it will show in your eyes? When you looked at her just now, your feelings for her leaked out, and I caught it.”

Shen Er'an continued to stare at him, but his aggressiveness, which resembled that of a jungle beast whose territory had been encroached upon, diminished slightly.

Jiao Bai said earnestly, “I’m serious. if you like her, then go pursue her. Don’t wait until you’ve grown up and end up regretting it.”

Shen Er'an glanced at the girl walking past the entrance, then lowered his eyes and shook his head lightly.

“She and I,  aren’t suitable,” Shen Er'an said so softly it was almost inaudible.

Jiao Bai stuffed his last wonton into his mouth. Forget it, whatever. In the original story, these people’s lives and deaths were confined within the powerful influential family framework. The romance plots were all filled with tons of dog aknnc, along with jmhudr—specifically, a massive thousand-meter-long lzbgdsd that cuts through iron like it’s nothing. As a plebian[1] with a mission, it was best to not get involved.

“I’m done. Let’s head back.” Jiao Bai finished the soup and wiped his mouth.

Shen Er'an showed no reaction.

Jiao Bai took a few steps and saw that he was still standing by the table, so he turned back and urged, “C’mon, let’s go home.”

Shen Er'an was stunned for a moment and then followed behind him.

The two shadows were elongated by the street lights, and the autumn wind gently escorted them home.


At noon the next day, Jiao Bai was getting food in the cafeteria when a boy squeezed in beside him and mumbled a few words. After grabbing two dishes, he headed to the grove.

A car was parked under the tree, and the back window rolled down slightly, revealing the soft, squishy face of the Qi family’s rstohc little young master.

Jiao Bai opened the car door, bent down, and sat in with his meal container[2] in his hand.

Accompanied by a strong smell of garlic.

The young master held his breath. “You’re doing this on purpose, right?”

Jiao Bai replied, “That line sounds familiar.”

Qi Shuang's face was pale and green. “I said last night that I would come to find you today, and you deliberately picked garlic sprouts, and even sweet pickled garlic? Is that even fit for human consumption?”

Jiao Bai, who loved sweet pickled garlic, was annoyed. He sneered, “Who do you think you are? Why would I think of you when picking my lunch?

Qi Shuang was so furious that he couldn't breathe, and looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

Last night, he couldn't sleep at all and thought about many things. Several times, he considered going to confess to his older brother. His brother was so incredible, he would definitely find a way to deal with this guy. Then he would no longer be a passive position.

But he didn't do that.

If his older brother found out his true intentions, he would only lecture him and stop him. He might even get his second brother to back home to discipline him. Then what would happen to Shen Er'an? Who would help him?

Qi Shuang’s bloodshot eyes gradually became wet and he was on the verge of crying.

Jiao Bai said impatiently, "Hurry up. I need to get back to the classroom for lunch. I can’t eat without reading a book."

Qi Shuang: “...”

The little young master’s pitiful sobbing rang out in the car. He looked weak and harmless, easily evoking people’s sympathy and tenderness.

But the only spectator present understood him better than his two older brothers, and in his eyes, Qi Shuang’s performance was very shoddy.

Jiao Bai glanced out the car window. This time the young master had wised up. He hadn’t come alone and had brought along a tall bodyguard.

That bodyguard was his knight.

In Broken Wings, the bodyguard's first appearance wasn’t at this time. It was after Qi Shuang married Shen Ji, when he officially dealt with Li Jue for the first time.

When Jiao Bai was reading the comic, he noticed that the bodyguard looked a bit like Qi Yilao. He even thought he was Qi Yilao's father's illegitimate child.

The bodyguard’s background wasn’t revealed until the latter half of the comic. He was the son of Qi Yilao’s elder brother and sister-in-law.

After acknowledging his roots and becoming a member of the Qi family, he still couldn't forget Qi Shuang. He secretly and overtly helped him out of dangerous situations and cleaned up his messes, ultimately sacrificing his life in the process.

“You stayed in South City instead of going back to your hometown, and you even came to Third High, Wang Chuqiu,” Qi Shuang said sarcastically, “No, I should call you Jiao Bai now. You even changed your name. You must have been planning this for a long time.”

Jiao Bai smiled, revealing two small canine teeth at the corners of his lips. “Yeah.”

Qi Shuang felt like he was about to spit blood from the sheer frankness of his response. He wanted to grab pliers and yank out those canine teeth. “What will it take for you to leave South City? I'll give you an extra thirty million to make it a neat fifty. How about that?”

Jiao Bai's first reaction upon hearing this was, Czlm, I asked for too little last time.

You couldn’t blame him. He was used to being poor and didn’t have much life experience.

“How about this? My ambitions lie beyond South City. I’m going to leave after I finish my university entrance exams next year. Can you give me the thirty million then?” Jiao Bai suggested, negotiating.

[1] 屁民 (pìmín) means (slang) rghshydm, derogatory way to say commoner, ordinary citizen. (屁 means ezqs, 民 means people/citizen)

[2] 饭缸 – Meal container - Underneath are two examples but there a lots of different types.