Jiao Bai deliberately stayed in the shaded corners where the sun didn’t reach. He told the teacher that he had dermatitis, but the teacher's response was that, since it was late autumn and the sunlight wasn’t strong, he could engage in some outdoor activities to boost immunity.

He understood the reasoning, but he was itchy.

The physical education teacher allowed him to wear a hat and mask but wouldn’t let him return to the classroom on his own. The reason was that his constitution was too weak, so he needed to walk around the sports field for a while. It was truly a display of parental concern.

Jiao Bai, panting, sat down next to Shen Er’an. He casually pulled out some ointment from the pocket of his school jacket and applied it to his fingers, which had been accidentally exposed to the sun.

Liang Dong on the basketball court gave Jiao Bai a warning from afar.

Jiao Bai ignored him. After applying the ointment to his fingers, he didn’t disturb Shen Er’an. He simply closed his eyes and thought about things.

Shen Er’an’s profile picture was a mountain peak. Jiao Bai searched online and confirmed that it was indeed Mt. Cheng.

That was the place where Shen Er’an's mother had grown up as a young girl, become a mother herself, and then turned into her grave. It was also his birthplace.

Initially, Jiao Bai suspected that his friends’ profile pictures were related to their inner selves. Now, through Shen Er’an, he confirmed this, but he was still uncertain about the extent of the connection.

Jiao Bai’s other seven friends weren’t around him so their profile pictures were all black. He remembered that Qi Yilao’s picture was a rsqzmfkdc white cat with golden eyes, Shen Ji’s was a Pikachu which seemed to be connected with his emotions, Qi Zizhi’s was blank, and Zhang Zhen’s was blocks of colour that resembled candy wrappers.

Li Jue and the other three friends hadn’t appeared in front of Jiao Bai yet, so he didn’t know what their profile pictures were.

Jiao Bai turned his back to Shen Er’an and scrolled through WeChat. The last message he received from Zhang Zhen was sent on the night of the sixth-floor fire.

At that time, he had sent a message when he was downstairs, asking, “You're not my sister. Who are you?”

How did Zhang Zhen reply? He replied with: I’m her boyfriend.

Then retracted the message within seconds.

Jiao Bai didn’t let Zhang Zhen off the hook. He immediately sent a message: I already saw it. Wow!

Not only that, Jiao Bai also specially went online to find a retro meme with the caption, “Wishing you early children and a long and happy life together[1]” and sent it to him.

This was probably the first time in Zhang Zhen’s life he had such a serious lapse in judgement. He didn’t even know why he answered that way. Unable to cope with the situation, he decided to simply hide.

Jiao Bai wasn’t going to expose Zhang Zhen at this time. Having him as his big sister was very advantageous for him. Because if one day his cover was blown and Zhang Zhen blamed him, he could use this to counter with, “See, I deceived you, but you also deceived me. We’re even.”

Over the past few days, Zhang Zhen hadn’t responded to any of Jiao Bai’s messages. Jiao Bai took a photo of his own sneakers and sent it over.

J: Big Sister, I’m in physical education class.

Jiao Bai sent a red envelope[2].

J: Are you working? Are you tired?

Jiao Bai thought Zhang Zhen would continue hiding for a while, but he unexpectedly showed up and replied almost instantly.

Zhang: Stop sending me red envelopes. Your parents' money shouldn't be squandered by you like this.

J: ...It’s my own money.

He couldn’t remember the exact amount he had left but it was more than a ten million.

Zhang Zhen didn’t respond again. Jiao Bai decided to tease him.

J: Big Sister, does your boyfriend treat you well?

Zhang: We broke up.

Jiao Bai could imagine the expression on Zhang Zhen’s face when he sent those three words and couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He had intended to hold in his laughter to avoid disturbing Shen Er’an next to him, but it backfired. He ended up coughing and laughing so hard he was swaying around like an hchns.

When the teacher called for the students to gather, Jiao Bai crawled up to his feet, but the next moment he froze in shock. His account appeared before his eyes. His activity level with Shen Er’an had become...


Did something happen that he didn’t know about?

Was there a bug?

【Assistant, Assistant, Assistant, you guys have a BUG!!!】

【No. 】

What a cold reply.

“It’s not a bug. It’s not a bug,” Jiao Bai murmured several times, and grabbed Shen Er’an’s school uniform in excitement. “You’re such a good person!” You’ve given me hope. Thank you, and I hope you stay safe.

Shen Er’an: “...”

Jiao Bai’s heart raced and his fingertips trembled. His way of thinking and decision were correct. Compared to those old codgers in the business world who could turn things around with a flip of their hand[3], it was indeed much easier to deal with a young and inexperienced cub who hadn't yet left school!

So, what was the criteria for the activity level to rise? Was it based on being accepted[4] by the friend or something? He didn’t even speak to Shen Er’an earlier... Could it be that his silly laughter made Shen Er’an think he was pure and genuine?

Suddenly feeling a gaze on his hand, Jiao Bai let go of the school uniform. His face was smiling under his mask and there was also a smile in his voice, “The ointment smell isn’t unpleasant and will go away after one wash.”

“How about I wash it for you?” Jiao Bai’s eyes, hidden beneath the brim of his cap, were filled with affection.

Shen Er’an quietly shook his head.

“An-ge!” Liang Dong ran over like an old mother hen, drenched with sweat, and urged his An-ge to leave. He didn’t forget to make a throat-btsshmf gesture at Jiao Bai before they left.

Jiao Bai hummed a few lines of a song contentedly, thinking, One-eighth of the light of victory has arrived.

Maybe by tomorrow morning, the activity level would reach 30, and then 50, 80...

When Jiao Bai saw Shen Ji’s assistant at the school gate after class, he was instantly jolted out of his daydream.

The assistant came pick up Shen Er’an to take him to Fuyuan Restaurant. Tonight was simply a family dinner with his grandmother, his father, him, and his future stepmother's family.

Shen Er’an got in the car. When the assistant closed the door, he casually glanced in Jiao Bai’s direction and their eyes met.

Assistant: “...”

Jiao Bai: “...”

The assistant was a bit puzzled. How could that person be at the young master’s school, wearing a school uniform and school bag?

He was kicked out by the chairman and lost his money source so he was now trying to latch onto the young master? He truly had no self-respect.

Should I report this to the chairman?

Forget it. The chairman has long forgotten that person, so there’s no need to report it.

Jiao Bai watched as the assistant drove away, and he roughly guessed what he was thinking. He couldn’t help but sigh in relief. For the time being, Jiao Bai didn’t want that old geezer, Shen Ji, to know he was at Third High, in his son’s class, and even living together.

“Have you been to Fuyuan Restaurant?” Liang Dong went over to Jiao Bai. “My family has a reservation there tonight, and I’m heading there too.”

Jiao Bai got on his bike.

Liang Dong held him back and said, “I'll take you there to broaden your horizons.”

Jiao Bai’s expression grew cold. “I’m not going.”

“You’re going whether you want to or not,” Liang Dong said. With a wave of his hand, his family’s chauffeur promptly drove the car over.

Jiao Bai knew that Liang Dong wanted to see him make a fool of himself in public. No, no. Laozi is absolutely not going!

Suddenly, an electronic voice came to life.

【Player Jiao Bai has activated the first mandatory mission! Please get ready!】

【Player Jiao Bai has activated the first mandatory mission! Please get ready!】

【Player Jiao Bai has activated the first mandatory mission! Please get ready!】

It was repeated three times, like a broadcast announcement.

[1] Two traditional wedding greetings.

[2] WeChat red envelopes or red packets – sent him a gift of WeChat money. Based on the Chinese tradition of hongbao (red envelope/red packet) where money is given to family and friends as a gift in a red envelope.

[3] 翻手为云覆手为雨 (fān shǒu wéi yún fù shǒu wéi yǔ) literally translates to "turning the hand to make clouds and turning it again to make rain." - someone who has the power to manipulate situations or control outcomes effortlessly

[4] 认可  (rèn kě) means to be recognised, approved, accepted or acknowledged by someone.